Wednesday, April 21, 2010

surrender at bennett place and durham art walk: part two

Toward the end of the afternoon (and after lunch at Elmo's and a Cook Out run per Leanna's request), the three of us headed to Downtown Durham for the Art Walk!  We got there at the very end of it, so it wasn't terribly crowded, and most of the artists had left, but I enjoyed getting to visit their business district for the first time!  Here are the rest of the surrender reenactment pictures and a few from the Art Walk!

Remember Randy?  Well, turns out he's good with kids, too.  Also turns out he's not so single.

I believe Leanna and Rebekah named this guy "Richard".  Still not sure why.

The rest of these are from the Durham Art Walk.  These two could SING!

And this is in my top five favorite pictures I've ever taken, a) because I can't believe how well it composed itself and b) the clothes!  If you know me, you know how I feel about clothes.

Next weekend, Duke Hospital is hosting a 5K for its brain cancer patients, so stay tuned for some fun action shots!  I ran this race with my good friend, Rick, last year, and we had a blast!  To donate, visit

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