Sunday, April 11, 2010

duke gardens: part one

So, I officially started my photography "internship" with the Durham Convention & Visitors Bureau this week!  I have "internship" in quotation marks, because they did originally offer me the internship, but I wasn't able to reconcile the full terms of it with my current work and school schedule, so we decided that I would be more freelance and take pictures whenever events come along or I just happen to be in the area, which I think will work a lot better.  I can do the editing here at home, so the only thing I really miss is helping them catalog their current pictures, but hopefully they'll be able to find a crackerjack photography student who could really benefit from the experience!  Anyway, after my first meeting with the DCVB staff, I decided to head over to Duke Gardens and take some pictures.  Keep in mind that this was a particularly offensive week for me to visit Duke, because they just won the national championship, and I literally went to work the next day in all black because I was in mourning.  Also, I may or may not have a huge crush on this guy.  But I stomached it, and it really was beautiful.  I took a bunch, so come back tomorrow for part two!

While I don't (on principle) encourage visiting Duke University, Duke Gardens are definitely worth the trip while the weather is still nice, and the only cost is the parking fee, which is $1.00 per half hour.  Just make sure to visit Chapel Hill, too. ;)

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